The girl was born prematurely weighing 1 kg 150 grams. For the parents, a period of fear and waiting began - taking medications and drips, artificial lung ventilation and feeding through a tube. Sophia was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, right-sided hemiparesis. The girl's parents recall those times with fear. Thanks to the efforts of her parents and the rehabilitation therapists at the Nikopol Rehabilitation Center, Sophia can walk and hold things in her hands. In reality, the disease stays with a person for life. And all your life you need to fight the disease! In December, Sofiyka is expected at the Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Center. The amount to be raised is 20480 UAH. Unfortunately, the parents are not able to raise funds for rehabilitation on their own, so we ask for your help. Any donations you make will be a newly acquired skill for Princess Sofia! Please support Sophia!
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